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my 2018 study abroad experience in europe 

As a junior at NYU's clive davis institute of recorded music, I had the opportunity to study abroad in Berlin, germany for the fall semester. during my time there, I was able to travel to several different countries, documenting each destination with my camera. i fell in love with photography while Taking these images. These photos show this part of the world through my eyes and I hope you enjoy them as much as i do.

Liebermann Villa 

wansee - Berlin, germany
September 2018 ​

"I now have a fixation on the concept of owning multiple properties, each having an individual purpose...when I visited the Max Liebermann Villa in Berlin, I realized that this was a home that was used as a vessel for painting...Shelter was secondary. It seems so simple but it didn’t click that a place that looks like a home can serve as more than that even though I had witnessed several american examples of this. This villa revealed to me that as translocal beings, we also adopt the context of the places we occupy and we act according to the purposes of those places."


Anchor 1
Anchor 4


Berlin, Germany

October 2018

"upon arrival in Berlin, with extreme gratitude forever lingering over this experience, the excitement I wanted was overshadowed by the foreignness of this territory. I was honestly disappointed in myself. I didn’t hop off of the bus in front of the dorm channeling the “mama we made it” sentiment of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. But I wanted to feel like Will Smith so bad."


Anchor 2


"I’m a firm believer that creativity is a gateway to social change, especially through youth. Creativity is looking beyond what is to what could be, having vision beyond the limitations of our eyes. It is our outlet from obstacles that allow us to envision a future without them and thus creates a pathway for us to work towards greater days."


october 2018 - Fall break

Anchor 3


October 2018 - Fall Break

"As I traveled Europe, I found myself in awe of the fact that I was able to occupy spaces associated with “status” despite where and what I come from. It was surreal, as if I was dreaming and not actually having dinner on the Seine river overlooking the Eiffel Tower."



November, 2018

My independence was built so fiercely for protection and survival growing up in Philly. But now, my needs have shifted as my surroundings have. I demand fulfillment and quality of life. I have to be able to speak my needs and fears and not be ashamed that I have them in the first place...A healthy balance of independence, dependence, strength and vulnerability is what I claim as I approach my 21st birthday and embrace my initiation into womanhood



November - December 2018

"I was anticipating the questions but somehow 'How was it?' felt just like 'how are you?' This could have been the inquiry to fulfill my need to share details but I quickly learned that it was often a courtesy not a deep fascination to know everything I was willing to tell...I didn’t want to be that annoying person bragging about how great of a time she had, so I found myself stifling my fire. And quite frankly, run in conversations weren’t really the place to unpack my experience."


exploring the ruins of pompei was such an indescribable experience. seeing mount vesuvius in the distance incited more beauty than fear, as the impressive structures that remained brought up the importance of building a legacy that speaks for you when you've passed on. taking all of this in and doing so with my friends made this a memory i'll never forget.



December 2018


"Lord, I pray that you lead me through the manifestation of my purpose, in every artistic lane that encompasses it and every skill set needed to do so. In jesus' name I pray, amen."

Every opportunity I have speaks to the essence of this prayer. I'm so grateful to have studied abroad in Berlin and to have captured so many priceless moments.


December 2018

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